When an internet vigilante develops a revolutionary new computer program to combat online predators, its rapid advancement leads to serious questions of autonomy, oppression, and what it really means ...
由John Krasinski主演的Amazon剧《杰克·莱恩 Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan》第二季放出首预告,本季讲述Jack Ryan来到南美洲委内瑞拉丛林调查被偷运的武器,但在调查过程中主角发现了委内瑞拉总统正准备袭击美国,而他和同事得解决这场包括美英俄委四国在内的大阴谋。...
In this new season, 30-year-old Anita needs to go back to 15 to try to fix her sister's life. However, Joel hacked into her Floguinho account and also became a time traveler. So now what?...