长久以来,小镇居民们对菲利克斯(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)的猜测和怀疑从未停歇。有人觉得他生性孤僻是个怪胎,有人觉得他犯下了什么不可饶恕的残酷罪行,有人甚至信誓旦旦的说他将灵魂交予了魔鬼换来了可怕的能力,总而言之,所有的言论最终都以这样的一句话来结尾——“要不然他怎么会常年躲在森林里不愿露面呢?”...
年轻有为的里奥•维德勒斯(Gael García Bernal 饰)是美国一家游戏网站的创始人,妻子艾伦(Michelle Williams 饰)则是某家医院的外科医生。夫妻俩终日忙碌,奔波不停,只得把7岁的女儿杰姬(Sophie Nyweide 饰)托付给菲佣格罗瑞娅(Marife Necesito 饰)照看。...
Due to the financial crises in Greece, ELENA (27)decides to move to Frankfurt. She gets pregnant by her Greek boyfriend. In order to abort her child, she needs money which is why she takes a job as a ...
Due to the financial crises in Greece, ELENA (27)decides to move to Frankfurt. She gets pregnant by her Greek boyfriend. In order to abort her child, she needs money which is why she takes a job as a ...
A group of young friends as they come of age and strive to meet the unexpected demands of adult life while coming to terms with their own identities, pasts, and passions....