Jailed under a tough cop, an uneducated politician decides to spend his time studying for high school, while his scheming wife has plans of her own....
本片讲述了处于青春期躁动时期的性启蒙事例:生性腼腆的迈克(瑞恩•平克斯顿 Ryan Pinkston 饰)总是无法对暗恋女生表白;弗瑞德(迈克尔•塞拉 Michael Cera 饰)本想约会网恋女孩,却走错了房间;当查克(弗兰奇•莫尼兹 Frankie Muniz 饰)小心翼翼地试探女友南希(克里斯廷娜•迪罗萨 Christina DeRosa 饰)得到肯定后,他享受到了性爱的快感,然而对方如狼似...
Flight / Risk follows everyday people who find themselves in the midst of a global tragedy when two Boeing 737 Max planes crashed only five months apart in 2018 and 2019. This powerful documentary is ...
拉斯迪(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)在检察院里打拼多年,最终成为了首席检察官。某日,助理检察官卡洛琳(格列塔·斯卡奇 Greta Scacchi 饰)出现在了拉斯迪的身边,主动对他投怀送抱。原来,卡洛琳觊觎拉斯迪的首席检察官之位已久,她希望帮助拉斯迪坐上监察处处长的职位,自己则可以渔翁得利。...
Maciej Berbeka makes the first winter ascent of Broad Peak in 1988, escaping death by inches. Andrzej Zawada, the expedition leader, announces a great success. Once they return to Poland, it turns out...
十六岁的杰米(卢卡斯·皮塔威 Lucas Pittaway 饰)和两个弟弟艾利克斯(Marcus Howard 饰)、尼古拉斯(Matthew Howard 饰)一起,同母亲过着相依为命的生活。一家人住在政府专门建造提供给贫民们居住的社区中,他们的左邻右舍,都是和他们一样无家可归的社会下层人士。...