在一个荒无人烟的小岛上,不善于和人沟通的汉克(保罗·达诺 Paul Dano 饰)对人生早已绝望,于是他决定亲手了结自己的性命。就在关键时刻,一具尸体漂到沙滩上。该尸体(丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰)臭屁连天,虽然苍白浮肿,却似乎有生命一般。汉克大喜过望,为这个不同寻常的朋友其名曼尼。更令他兴奋不已的是,曼尼就好像一把多功能的瑞士军刀,帮他解决了诸如生火、砍树、饮水等诸...
Lauren's life is on a positive trajectory, until she is falsely accused of murder. Discovering that an obsessive serial killer with her exact DNA match has been knowingly implicating her in all his cr...
After suffering a stroke, Judith Albright moves into a historic nursing home, where she begins to suspect something supernatural is preying on the residents. In order to escape, she'll need to convin...
半年前,17岁的布兰特(Xavier Samuel 饰)与父亲驾车遭遇车祸,父亲身亡,布兰特和母亲始终没有从伤痛中走出。同校的劳拉(Robin McLeavy 饰)邀请布兰特同去舞会,布兰特木讷的予以拒绝,转头陪伴自己的女友赫莉。当天布兰特独身在野外攀岩,当他来到山顶时,久候多时的劳拉之父将他麻醉带走。...