An enterprising college student agrees to run his professor's Las Vegas car wash to avoid flunking out of school. But it's Vegas gone wild when he decides to staff it with gorgeous bikini-clad girls....
帕克(艾玛·贝尔 Emma Bell 饰)对男友丹(凯文·席格斯 Kevin Zegers 饰)的死党林奇(肖恩·阿什莫 Shawn Ashmore 饰)成见颇深。一日,三人结伴去滑雪,到达时滑雪场即将关门,他们买通检票员乘上了上山的缆车。检票员临时有事离去,来换班的工作人员在不知情的情况下拉掉了滑雪场的电闸,锁上大门准备离开,滑雪场即将进入为时数月的封山期,帕克一行人就这样被悬挂在半山腰上下维艰...
An English girl has her life uprooted by her mum the last year of High School. As if it wasn't hard enough leaving behind what is familiar, this small American town holds past memories for her as she ...
影片根据真实事件改编,1983-2005年间,有许多平民在苏丹的战火中流离失所,幸存者被当时的援救人员称为“苏丹的迷途男孩”(Lost Boys of Sudan),其中有一部分人,后来以难民的身份来到美国。片中威瑟斯彭扮演的凯瑞,帮助四位苏丹难民寻找工作,为他们争取合法权益,想方设法让他们与亲人团聚,并同他们结下了深厚的友谊。...