《报复 Reprisal》由艾美奖得奖剧集《使女的故事 The Handmaid's Tale》的执行制作人Warren Littlefield制作﹑Josh Corbin编剧﹑英国学院奖提名者Jonathan Van Tulleken执导, A+E Studios和T he Littlefield Company参与制片。...
An adventure of the soul. JOSEPH is a young, painfully shy writer in the waterlands of South Carolina. After robbing a rural juke joint with two lower-class buddies and joy-riding up the coast to Myrt...
After surviving an IED explosion in combat overseas, a young soldier with the Army Motorcycle Unit is medically discharged with a broken back and leg. Against all odds he trains to make an impossible ...
Tom of Finland 的同志情色插画,相信不少人都欣赏过。硕大的肌肉、壮阔的广膊、下体大大的一包,连黑色的皮裤都遮盖不住。电单车、制服、一组组激情动作连环图,教一代代同志血脉沸腾。这是 Tom of Finland 的 传记故事。他本来是一名军官,二次大战时为国家拼死奋战。战后回到芬兰,却因为同志的身份,处处受到歧视和打压,只好寄情艺术,画下一幅幅解放性爱的情色插画,影响力冲出国际,推动了...