在《一落千丈:波音大调查》这部令人不寒而栗的纪录片中,曾获奥斯卡提名的电影人罗瑞·肯尼迪揭露了企业对问题的漠视和贪婪如何导致两架波音 MAX 737 飞机在短短五个月内相继失事。在航空专家、新闻记者、前波音职员、美国国会和受害者家属的主导下,这部电影揭开了一家曾经备受推崇的公司背后一味削减成本和掩人耳目的文化。《一落千丈:波音大调查》痛斥来自华尔街的败坏影响,并指出美国企业所秉承的理念的危险之处 ...
Creature of habit, Jon Smith, spends his days mindlessly working as a barista in New York City. When night falls, this seeming everyman savagely kills "filthy women" as his social outlet. A ...
流浪汉Frank Chambers(约翰·加菲尔德 John Garfield 饰)在路边的一间小餐馆里,被美丽的老板娘Cora Smith(拉娜·特纳 Lana Turner 饰)所吸引,正好那间餐馆正在招工,他便留了下来,成为一名服务生。餐馆老板Nick年纪比Cora大得多,Frank见有机可乘,便多次挑逗Cora,最后两人终于坠入爱河。两人准备私奔,走到半路却发现从此没了经济来源,便回到餐馆...
For the first time ever, two junior Elves have to leave home after losing an entire town's letters to Santa. While attempting to blend into small town life, they set out to retrieve every missing wish...
A good-natured man has an unexpected deadly confrontation. Instincts kick in to clean up the mess caused in the name of self-defense but does one really get away free after killing someone?...