Ainun found out that her biological father, Abah Mulya, was actually a spiritual teacher who taught heresy and distanced himself from the Qibla. Can Ainun guide them to the right path again?...
The movie will be a romantic film featuring two people who are not right for each other. The story is about Prajakta's character who is a tech wizard and the guy who is interested in her....
A Mexican-American couple expecting their first child relocate to a migrant farming community in 1970's California. When the wife begins to experience strange symptoms and terrifying visions, she trie...
A boy is haunted by terrifying nightmares where a monster lurks inside the closet. To his relief, his father appears in the middle of the night helping him to face his fears. But the boy will begin to...
After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him as her next victim....