The Maynards and their children lead an almost perfect billionaire family life. Amon is a passionate hunter, but doesn’t shoot animals, as the family's wealth allows them to live totally free from con...
Balmer, an agency nurse met Sweeney who is confessed of killing his ex-girlfriend. He subjected her to fatal attack before evading capture. Balmer rebuilt her life to confront Sweeney seven years late...
A star goalkeeper threatens a woman who is pregnant with his child. Her pleas for help go unanswered in the shadow of his fame — then tragedy strikes. Bangkok Breaking: Heaven and Hell (TH)- Netflix F...
The three-part limited series will follow Emily Maitlis’ professional and personal journey as a Newsnight journalist, leading up to her acclaimed interview with Prince Andrew....
2009年3个年轻人在黄石国家公园的遥远区域被杀害。仅仅几小时后,Dwayne Nelson走到一个护林站,声称自己是罪犯。尽管他详尽的陈述,Nelson因为美国宪法的漏洞被无罪释放。记实小说作者Julian T. Pinder为了追求犯罪真相旅游到黄石公园,而真相会震动整个国家。美国宪法怎么会让一个罪犯脱身?在完美罪行中唯一一个比愚蠢的暴力行为更令人震撼的是紧随的离奇的事件 。...
坦迪·牛顿将主演新片[上帝的国度](God’s Country,暂译)。朱利安·希金斯执导,希金斯与谢伊·奥邦纳([下层人])共同操刀剧本。该片改编自James Lee Burke创作的短篇故事《冬日之光》,讲述在美国西部山区阴冷的冬季,牛顿饰演的大学教授,独自生活在国家森林的边缘。一天,两名猎人闯入了她的土地,这引发了一场危险的较量。影片将在本周于蒙大拿开拍。...
After escaping from a sex trafficking ring, one teenage girl struggles to reconnect with herself and her family. To rescue her helpless friends, she must confront her own fears and help lead the polic...
A portrait of the myth of maternity around the story of Pepa and her daughter, who are asked out of their home and forced to wander for a place to live with no support network....