After the events of Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019), Poe Dameron and BB-8 must make an emergency landing on the volcanic planet Mustafar where they meet the greedy and conniving G...
传记作家乔治赴瑞士采访卓别林(Robert Downey Jr 饰),后者将自己的故事娓娓道来……1894年的英国,小小年纪的卓别林已经开始为临时演员母亲救场,但失祜的困苦生活导致卓别林兄弟分离,母亲也因发疯入院。1903年,卓别林经哥哥介绍进入一家英国剧团开始自己的 演艺生涯,不久他打出名号,获得美国制片厂的邀请,在美国,卓别林接触到梦幻般的电影艺术,并用自己的灵气在电影这种媒介的帮助下名利双收...
A homicidal foreclosure victim kidnaps a real estate agent and plans to kill her in the housing development where she finagled money from customers like him....