A man's struggle against himself and against time. Kenyan runner Eliud Kipchoge dreams of completing a marathon distance of less than two hours. An achievement that is considered unattainable for a hu...
Dancing teacher Leo (Fritz Karl) knows how to get the salsa-crazy girls dance- and into bed. As he breaks the heart of a talented dancer again, his boss fires him. Now things start to get tight for Le...
一处平静又寻常的社区里,主妇萨拉(凯特•温丝莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)每天的工作就是带孩子,而她的丈夫理查德却整日沉迷于成人网站自慰,夫妻关系濒临有名无实的境地。无聊的日子中,萨拉的注意力被同社区的“律师情人”布拉德(帕特里克•威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)所吸引。布拉德的妻子凯西(詹妮弗•康纳利 Jennifer Connelly 饰)是位女强人,平日忙于工作,无暇顾及家庭...
小男孩汤姆(瑞恩·博克 Ryan Burke 饰)过生日,小伙伴们齐来祝贺,妈妈还特意请来一个蹩脚的小丑演员理查德·格林多(罗斯·诺贝尔 Ross Noble 饰)为大家表演。但是这个绰号“针(Stitches)”的小丑表演太糟糕了,接连遭到小伙伴们的嘲弄和笑话,更因孩子们的恶作剧惨死现场。6年后,至今依旧为当年的噩梦所困扰的汤姆(汤米·奈特 Tommy Knight 饰)迎来新的生日。派对当天,...