Charlie goes to the movie and falls in love with a girl on the screen. He goes to Keystone Studios to find her. He disrupts the shooting of a film, and a fire breaks out. Charlie is blamed, gets squir...
Andras Varda grows up in a turbulent, war-torn Hungary, where he procures local girls for the occupying G.I.'s during World War II. Disappointed by girls of his age, he meets Maya, a married women in ...
L体追缉令 Body Language 汤姆 贝伦杰主演的推理惊悚片,剧情开展迂回迂回,应用男人对性的弱点停止一连串的色诱规划,导演乔治.凯西对氛围的运营尚算胜利。男主角盖文是一名检察官,正在办一宗黑手党老大被控的案子。他偶尔开车碰到美丽少妇多娜,进一步交往后发现她长期受丈夫优待,并被迫在夜总会扮演托衣舞维生。盖文情不自禁坠入了多娜的感情圈套中,最后为了得到她的身体更不惜跟多娜协作谋杀她丈夫,原来...
一部敏感惹火的挪威家庭题材影片,House on the rocks(1974),影片对母子之性的暴露处理显现着北欧电影的无矩不逾的先锋风味,远胜法国名导路易马勒类似题材的 好奇心 Le Souffle au Coeur (Murmur of the Heart 1971),足让向来乖巧的东方受众大咋其舌。...