It doesn't move, it doesn't think, it just kills. For one young woman, a chance encounter with this supernatural entity proves devastating. Frankie learns that once you see the mannequin, there may be...
Follows the journey of Clémence and her kitty, Rroû, as they leave Paris to spend the holidays in the countryside. While there, Rroû enjoys the wildlife and befriends Câline, a white kitten who prowls...
Valeria, a young woman expecting her first child, becomes cursed by a sinister entity. Plunged into a terrifying and dangerous world, a group of witches emerge as her only hope for safety and salvatio...
Санкт-Петербург, наши дни. Город шокирован чередой жутких самоубийств. Егор, студент последнего курса, готовится переехать в Москву, чтобы забыть прошлое и начать новую жизнь. Все меняется, когда он в...