Network of Brazilian farmers seizes a protected area of the Amazon rainforest, a young Indigenous leader and his mentor must fight back in defense of the land and an uncontacted group living deep with...
After inheriting a farm at Christmas time, a widowed father makes a bumpy adjustment to village life - while his kids hatch a plan to stay there
Father Ananda, an ex-cop Buddhist monk investigates a murder after a homeless youth is murdered in the grounds of his monastery. With the help of an orphaned boy named Jak, Ananda travels the canals o...
尼克(鲍比•坎波 Bobby Campo 饰)携女友洛丽(珊特尔•范圣藤 Shantel VanSanten 饰)和朋友亨特(尼克•扎诺 Nick Zano 饰)及女友简妮(海莉•魏波)到赛车场观看赛车表演,尼克突然预见某辆赛车将发生事故冲向人群,部分看台坍塌,他与朋友全部丧生。惊慌失措的尼克强迫朋友随他离开赛场,并惊动了保安乔治(麦凯尔泰•威廉逊 Mykelti Williamson)及其他四位...