In a Southern province in Thailand, a young boy lives with his uncle and a monkey called Kapi. When the uncle dies, the boy is threatened by a real estate tycoon who wants to buy their land and turn i...
'Villisca' is a ghost story set in the actual house of the notorious and still unsolved 1912 ax murders. Three outcast teenagers break into the house in search of answers, but discover something far b...
Scooby-Doo and Shaggy must go into the underworld ruled by the Goblin King in order to stop a mortal named The Amazing Krudsky who wants power and is a threat to their pals, Fred, Velma and Daphne....
After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provi...
萨玛拉·维文([辣手保姆])、卡莉·查肯(《黑客军团》)加盟黑色惊悚片[最后的清晰时刻](Last Moment of Clarity,暂译)。影片故事讲述山姆逃离到巴黎,以此忘记未婚妻格鲁吉亚(维文饰)被谋杀的事实,然而他却发现一个电影女星和格鲁吉亚非常相似,而他必须和好友凯特(查肯饰)找到格鲁吉亚的秘密。该片由詹姆斯·克里斯尔、科林·克里斯尔执导并操刀剧本。...