穷小子道林格雷(本·巴恩斯 Ben Barnes 饰)从乡下来到伦敦,结识了社交场上的著名画家巴兹尔(本·卓别林 Ben Chaplin 饰)和绅士亨利(科林·费斯 Colin Firth 饰),两人见他长相俊美,所以引荐他进入社交名流圈。巴兹尔专门以他为人体模特,画了 一幅细腻入微、栩栩如生的半身肖像画,立刻引起社交圈的惊艳和赞叹。从此,格雷进入了名利场,每日过着五光十色的生活。一次偶然的机会,...
Still hurting after their breakup, Tabby's stunned when she comes face to face with ex girlfriend Heidi at a friend's sleepover. Forced to spend the night together - can they put the past behind them?...
Still hurting after their breakup, Tabby's stunned when she comes face to face with ex girlfriend Heidi at a friend's sleepover. Forced to spend the night together - can they put the past behind them?...
泰吉•巴德兰德巴德(卡尔•潘 Kal Penn 饰)带着范•维尔德的精神和大学学位,远赴英国加尔福德大学——这里是他父亲曾经“战斗”过的地方,兄弟会“狐狸与猎犬”之屋留下了父亲风光的记忆,然而来这里担任助教的泰吉并不被对方认可,狐狸与猎犬的首脑皮普反而将泰吉戏弄了一通。泰吉来到自己负责的宿舍——被戏称为马厩的败落小屋,这里住着四个边缘化的学生:研究量子物理和男女关系的盖辛,暴躁的爱尔兰人谢莫斯,沉...